Pepper: Feb 2010-Jan 2011

My Pepper rat passed away around 7:20pm. She has always been my runt, she had a lot of health issues- especially lung issues. (She was in cedar chips at the store I got her at.) She's been fighting for her life since I got her. She developed a mammary tumor a few months ago and I think that was giving her even more complications. Yesterday evening she started being not able to breathe and none of the treatments we usually give her seemed to work... I think it was just her time. She seemed a better this morning but this evening was bad again and gasping for breathe.... goodbye my Pepper... you were my spunky funny girl and I will miss you...

Poppy & Pepper


And now my Poppy rat is ill? I'm not sure... she started this afternoon while I was at work (my Brother was checking in on Pepper and noticed Poppy not looking like herself.) Poppy is lethargic and making a chattering/clicking noise. I don't know if she is mourning or ill. I am going to call the vet in the morning. Everyone else seems fine. :-(

  1. i'm sorry to hear that Pepper passed away. I was looking at the pictures, he is one cute little rate and he seems to be sweet.

  2. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Pepper was such a beautiful girl... She reminded me of my little Roo-Roo. They are such little people, but they leave such big gaps in our lives when they leave us.

    I hope that Poppy will be ok.

  3. Im so sorry about your gorgeous girl Sarah, she was so beautiful. Hope you're doing ok and are comforted with the fact that although her time with you was short, she was probably loved and treasured more in her little life than many animals receive in a lifetime.

    Breathe easy at the bridge baby girl
    big hugs to you Sah xxx

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. Pepper was such a pretty girl. ))hugs(( I hope Poppy is doing better.


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