Showing posts with label Vet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vet. Show all posts

Pets are just as bad as children... (UPDATED)

So, end of September my girl Toffee (who is about 14 months old), started gettin...

Curry: 2010 - Sept 2012

When I woke up this morning, I found Curry had passed away in his favorite spot ...

Hazelnut & Rosie: 2010 - 2012.

It's not been such a great 24 hours... very early Sunday morning (1am or so) we ...

Jasmine: Oct 2010 - Dec 2011.

We had to take Jasmine to the vet this morning, to be put to sleep. I hate havin...

Honey's Surgery. (& Philippine Typhoon update).

Honey got bit by Olive a few weeks ago. It turned into an abscess (which I've de...

Iris has a back injury.

Iris was rough housing with her sisters about a week ago and she got a wound on ...

1 more day!!!

Tomorrow I will be picking up F.B. at Philadelphia International Airport! He lef...

Poppy rat has pneumonia...

Poppy rat has always been healthy as a horse (as they say). She's my chubby curi...

No more health issues please! (UPDATED)

Jasmine was fine yesterday today I wake up to find her alone in the igloo with t...

Rattie Update.

I discovered a mammary tumor on Pepper yesterday. Those suckers just pop up over...

Lily & Rose and other Rat News

Please meet my newest baby girls Lily & Rose, (Rosie). Lily is tan/beige hooded ...

RIP Ginger & Saffron

Today was a really hard day. I had to take Ginger & Saffy to the vet to be put t...

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